The Daughter Network was born December 31, 2003. It took a while to get everything together since I was doing it all on my own. There was a while where I was cranking out a layout a week. I was overjoyed to finally have my own space!
Artistically Inclined
A casual portfolio site. I posted nearly every drawing and design I created here. It got very bulky very quickly.
This was a photography site, and much like Artistically Inclined, I posted way too much stuff and things got a bit unmanageable.
A showcase for every single layout I had ever made (that wasn't lost due to me not saving), whether used or not. It later evolved into "Outlet."
Resident Alien
This was a glorified "About Me" page that I expanded on. It had writing and such.
In Good Taste
An indulgence of my passion for music. (Usually) weekly postings of songs I'm into.
Drawing inspiration from fashion bloggers, I put together "Wear-a-Day" to document all my outfits for one month.